Consider this JavaScript function:
init_spinning : function(lines, length, width, radius, colour, speed, trail, shadow) {
var opts = {
lines: lines,
length: length,
width: width==null? 5,
radius: radius==null? 8
Usage example:
init_spinning(8, 4, null, null, '#20CNSE', 1.6, 30, false);
Yuck! Not only do you have to remember which ones are mandatory, but also this is error prone.
Using jQuery's $.extend() function, we could use:
init_spinning : function(options) {
var opts = $.extend({
lines: 8,
length: 5,
width: 7,
radius: 7,
color: '#26BCED',
speed: 1.3,
trail: 44,
shadow: false
}, options||{});
Usage example:
length: 3,
width: 3,
radius: 3
Much better! In the above example, the function has default values for all the parameters, and you just assign the ones that you need!